Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Edgar Allan Poe Quotes and Sayings (2)

A strong argument for the religion of Christ is this - that offences against Charity are about the only ones which men on their death-beds can be made - not to understand - but to feel - as crime.
~Edgar Allan Poe Quotes
All religion, my friend, is simply evolved out of fraud, fear, greed, imagination, and poetry.
~Edgar Allan Poe Quotes
Were I called on to define, very briefly, the term Art, I should call it 'the reproduction of what the Senses perceive in Nature through the veil of the soul.' The mere imitation, however accurate, of what is in Nature, entitles no man to the sacred name of 'Artist.'

~Edgar Allan Poe Quotes
With me poetry has not been a purpose, but a passion.
~Edgar Allan Poe Quotes
Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.
~Edgar Allan Poe Quotes

Convinced myself, I seek not to convince.
~Edgar Allan Poe, Berenice
There is an eloquence in true enthusiasm.

~Edgar Allan Poe Quotes
To be thoroughly conversant with a man's heart, is to take our final lesson in the iron-clasped volume of despair.
~Edgar Allan Poe Quotes
There is something in the unselfish and self-sacrificing love of a brute, which goes directly to the heart of him who has had frequent occasion to test the paltry friendship and gossamer fidelity of mere Man.
~Edgar Allan Poe Quotes
I am above the weakness of seeking to establish a sequence of cause and effect, between the disaster and the atrocity.
~Edgar Allan Poe Quotes
We loved with a love that was more than love.
~Edgar Allan Poe Quotes

I have, indeed, no abhorrence of danger, except in its absolute effect - in terror.
~Edgar Allan Poe Quotes
Depend upon it, after all, Thomas, Literature is the most noble of professions. In fact, it is about the only one fit for a man. For my own part, there is no seducing me from the path.
~Edgar Allan Poe, From a letter to Frederick W. Thomas (February 14, 1849).
I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat.
~Edgar Allan Poe Quotes
I would define, in brief, the poetry of words as the rhythmical creation of Beauty.
~Edgar Allan Poe Quotes
Scorching my feared heart with a pain, not hell shall make me fear again.
~Edgar Allan Poe, Tamerlane, Part II
If you wish to forget anything on the spot, make a note that this thing is to be remembered.
~Edgar Allan Poe Quotes
Yet I am not more sure that my soul lives, than I am that perverseness is one of the primitive impulses of the human heart-tone of the indivisible primary faculties, or sentiments, which give direction to the character of Man.
~Edgar Allan Poe, The Black Cat, 1843
“I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat.”
 ~Edgar Allan Poe quote
The generous Critic fann'd the Poet's fire, And taught the world with reason to admire.
~Edgar Allan Poe Quotes
All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.
~Edgar Allan Poe Quotes
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